
Asian Eyelid Surgery

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Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian Eyelid Surgery services offered in Long Island and Roslyn Heights, NY

This procedure is designed to create an upper eyelid crease to convert a monolid to a double eyelid and can help restore a youthful eyelid appearance in people of Asian descent.  Additional procedures can also be done at the same time to lengthen the inner or outer corners of your eyes called an epicanthoplasty.

Dr. Susie Rhee specializes in this procedure and has completed additional training in Seoul, South Korea specifically on Asian eyelid Surgery.

We are located in Roslyn Heights, Long Island, New York.



Asian Double Eyelid surgery.

Double eyelid surgery, or "Asian blepharoplasty" results in a larger, symmetric, almond-shaped eyes. The distance between your upper lash line to the new eyelid crease is mathed speficically to your preference.

People of different descent prefer either smaller or larger eyelids. Skin and fat removal maybe part of this procedure.

We typically perform this procedure in our office under local anesthesia. Patients go home after the procedure with detailed post-operative care instructions.

Good candidates for Asian Double Eyelid Surgery

  • Your eyelids have excess skin that obstruct your vision.
  • Your eyelids look puffy and have excess fat.
  • Unhappy with the shape, size of your eyelids.
  • Desire for converting a monolid to double eyelid.


  • We perform this procedure in the office under local anesthetic. Most patients experience minimal discomfort. Pain medication is prescribed.
  • There is minimal swelling after the surgery. Most swelling will happen in about 3 days after the surgery and then gradually disappear.
  • Stiches removed in about 5-7 days after the surgery.
  • There may be some bruising which usually resolves in a few days.
  • Depending on the amount of swelling, you may drive the following day and return to work.
  • You will typically be socially presentable by 2 weeks.